Problems with breeding When breeding in February, we are regularly confronted with problems of various kinds. That starts with not laying on time. This should normally be about 10 days after pairing, but there are many reasons why this doesn’t always happen, for...
Clinical diagnostics Clinical diagnostics is one of my hobbyhorses. This means that based on the symptoms of the pigeon(s) plus the story (complaints) of the owner and the questions and answers about these complaints (anamnesis), you will look over several possible...
Start of the racing season The new racing season had barely just begun and after about four flights we see the first problems appearing again. As every year, these are the problems with the upper (front) respiratory tract. We have also come up with a name for it:...
Problems with doping regulations Pigeon racing after WWII The time that certain ‘lofts’ later in the season (August/September) were flying stars from the sky, is already many years behind us. It started, like so much in pigeon racing, in Belgium....
Looking back at the season Coccidosis problems Looking back at the season, we can conclude that there wasn’t much news from a medical point of view. On the understanding that due to the high rainfall and therefore high humidity in certain months, full-blown...
Riddles in pigeon racing Incomprehensible losses with young pigeonsOne of the great riddles in our beautiful sport is the incomprehensible losses of young pigeons.Of course, young go missing when they don’t fly enough and build up too little experience and...