Adeno-coli syndrome
Adeno-coli syndrome A disease mainly occuring in young pigeons. The differential diagnosis (clinical picture which can partly look like) are, among others hexamitiasis, PMV (paramyxo) and streptococci infections or combinations of these diseases. Very contagious from...
Worms Symptoms: Loss of condition Bad digestion Bad stools Loss of weight Disturbed fertility BelgaWormac is the best remedy against hair, round and tapeworms (Capillaria spp. and Ascaridiaspp.). Pigeons can be fed normally during the treatment. Do not administer...
Paratyphoid Information about the most important diseases in paratyphoid (salmonella). Symptoms: Loss of condition Losing weight Green, slimy droppings Limping (cripple) or flying awkwardly Swollen joints in wings and legs Infertile eggs Twisted necks Blindness in one...
Ornithosis Complex
Ornithosis Complex Illness of the upper respiratory tract. picking of feathers dirty noses scratching head blue flesh red throat swollen heads yawning one eye cold rattling wet eyes inflamed third eyelid (expecially in young pigeons) snot Once both old and young birds...
Trichomoniasis (Canker) In many pigeons, both old and young, which are not regularly treated against canker (trichomoniasis) pathogens (trichomonads) can be latently present. This can present major problems as early as in the nest, with youngsters having yellow lumps...